We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks. We strongly advise purchasing our products exclusively from our authorized retailers or our official website, with our logo present on the machine, as counterfeit products compromise our brand’s quality and pose safety risks.

The Science Behind

Why Choose Us

Ahead of the Game

At the core of our success is our dedicated team of engineers, scientists, and designers who are passionate about creating groundbreaking technologies that revolutionize industries and improve the lives of our customers.

Functionality & Performance

We understand that investing in a machine, whether it is for your clinic or for your personal use, is a significant decision. That's why we put great emphasis on creating products that perform optimally and deliver high-quality results.


Our team of engineers and technicians work tirelessly to develop machines of high-quality materials and employ advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure that our machines are able to endure the test of time.

You can’t stop time, but you can be one step ahead of it

_Apollo Therapy Lights

Light triggers physiological changes in the human body. While high-intensity electromagnetic radiation causes damage or destruction, low-intensity ones, such as LED and infrared, have a highly beneficial and risk- free effect. When controlled, they can trigger positive changes to the materials that absorb them, especially living tissues.

NASA famously conducted a series of tests and experiments involving LED light to try to prove this theory. Their mission was to determine what types of food astronauts can eat during deep space exploration and how to grow them. They initially placed staple plants like radish and lettuce under a solid-state red and blue LED lighting and a broad range of fluorescent lighting.

During the harvest, they found considerable physiological differences between the treatments. The most apparent of these is the increase in anthocyanin concentration (a type of antioxidant) in the plants treated with red and blue LEDs. Dr. Matthew Mickens, one of the pioneers of the study, concluded that “Even subtle changes in light quality can potentially increase antioxidant properties of crops…”

LED light therapy works by stimulating certain aspects of our cellular structure to create energy. This process affects our cell’s mitochondria, encouraging the rapid production of healthy byproducts that help the body heal, grow, and repair itself at the molecular level. It also helps increase the flow of oxygen to the cell, which, in turn, gives us a jolt of energy. When light is absorbed into our body, the benefits are near-immediate, as our body rapidly starts producing protein to help damaged cells repair themselves. This chain of events is a naturally occurring one inside the body already, but light therapy helps it along, allowing our normal restorative processes to work faster, more efficiently, and with greater effectiveness.

Plants do something similar when they photosynthesize, albeit on a much more simplistic level. But at the end of the day, they, like us, rely on similar light wavelengths to help them thrive in various conditions. Light therapy merely takes these simple principles and applies them in a way beneficial to humans, using advanced technology and skilled technicians. LED light therapy isn’t pseudo-science or myth. It’s a fact-backed, historically beneficial therapy that can help you look great, feel fantastic, and heal yourself without the need for intensive, invasive clinical procedures.

Restrain the desire
to eat. Bactericidal
and anti-inflammatory

Purple 420nm+/-5nm

Restrain the desire to eat. Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, It is a combination of red and blue. Renews skin, reduces wrinkles, especially useful in treating and repairing acne and acne-scars.

Key Benefits

Technology Used

Low - Level Laser

 also known as Infrared therapy, a non-invasive and painless treatment that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation. Studies show that light energy from the LEDs is absorbed by the cells, which then triggers a series of biological responses that promote healing.

Far infrared heating

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Our full- spectrum Chromotherapy is a holistic practice that uses colors of the visible spectrum to promote healing and balance in the body and mind. This therapy is based on the idea that different colors have different vibrational frequencies that can affect the body in different ways. This therapy may be tailored to the individual’s needs and health concerns. 

Steam Therapy

has been found to have potential benefits for various health conditions, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being. In addition, Steam therapy can help to open pores, boost immune function and improve circulation, leading to a healthy glowing skin and accelerated production of white blood cells. 

Magnetic Therapy

Our pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) mat emits pulsing electromagnetic fields while enjoying the warm holistic stones, to promote healing and relaxation. I’m addition, studies have shown that PEMP may help to reduce pain in certain conditions, such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. 

also known as Infrared therapy, a non-invasive and painless treatment that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation. Studies show that light energy from the LEDs is absorbed by the cells, which then triggers a series of biological responses that promote healing.

Apollo 2.0
Apollo 3.0
Apollo Max
Apollo 3.0 PRO
Apollo MAX PRO
  • Apollo 2.0

  • Apollo 3.0

  • Apollo 3.0 PRO

  • Apollo Max

  • Apollo MAX PRO

Low - Level Laser

also known as Infrared therapy, a non-invasive and painless treatment that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation.

Studies show that light energy from the LEDs is absorbed by the cells, which then triggers a series of biological responses that promote healing.

Far infrared heating

Far infrared (FIR) is a safe and convenient technology that emits longer wavelength radiation than near-infrared light.

It generates heat in our capsule and provides various health benefits.

Choose high temperatures to improve energy levels, induce sweating, and burn calories, or lower temperatures to promote better sleep patterns and achieve relaxation. FIR technology is effective in improving overall well-being.


Our full- spectrum Chromotherapy is a holistic practice that uses colors of the visible spectrum to promote healing and balance in the body and mind.

This therapy is based on the idea that different colors have different vibrational frequencies that can affect the body in different ways.

This therapy may be tailored to the individual’s needs and health concerns.

Steam Therapy

has been found to have potential benefits for various health conditions, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being.

In addition, Steam therapy can help to open pores, boost immune function and improve circulation, leading to a healthy glowing skin and accelerated production of white blood cells.

Magnetic Therapy

Our pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) mat emits pulsing electromagnetic fields while enjoying the warm holistic stones, to promote healing and relaxation.

I’m addition, studies have shown that PEMP may help to reduce pain in certain conditions, such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.

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